Elettra Personal Web Page


Research & Development Scientist
Photon Transport and Beamlines group leader

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8860-3962
SCOPUS ID: 6602723389
WoS Researcher ID: E-1326-2015
Google Scholar


  • Jul. 2011 – Present: Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste SCpA appointment as Leader of the Photon Beam Transport System group at the FERMI FEL facility
  • Jan. 2021 – Present: permanent IOM-CNR position as senior development scientist at IOM-CNR at the Photon Beam Transport System group of the FERMI FEL facility
  • Feb. 2005 – Dec. 2020: permanent IOM-CNR position as development scientist at IOM-CNR at the BACH beamline (Elettra) and at the Photon Beam Transport System group of the FERMI FEL facility
  • Oct. 2002 – Jan. 2005: INFM tenure-track appointment as development scientist at the BACH beamline (Elettra)
  • Jul. 2002 – Sep. 2002: INFM appointment for the realization of the end station of the nano-microscopy branch line and the commissioning of the x-ray fluorescence spectrometer at the beamline BACH (Elettra). Scientific supervisors Prof. F. Parmigiani and Dr. D. Cocco
  • Jul. 1999 – Jun. 2002: INFM appointment as development scientist responsible for BACH beamline (Elettra) soft x-rays optics. Scientific supervisors Prof. F. Parmigiani and Dr. D. Cocco
  • Feb. 1999 – Jun. 1999: INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) appointment to study VUV and SXR optics in the group of the beamline BACH (Elettra). Scientific supervisor Prof. F. Parmigiani
  • Mar. 1998 – Jan. 1999: Civil service at the Italian Society for blind people (UIC)
  • Feb. 1998 – Jun. 1998: Department of Physics of the University of Trieste Collaboration contract (“Study of Sn/Ge(111) and Pb/Ge(111) systems”). Scientific supervisor Prof. S. Modesti
  • Mar. 1997 – Dec. 1997: Research activity at the Laboratorio TASC-INFM for the “Laurea” thesis. Scientific supervisor Prof. S. Modesti

Joint Appointments

  • Nov. 2020 – Present: LEAPS “Research & Development Board” Member, WG1.4 “Photon Diagnostics” Spokesperson, and WG6 “Education, Training and Outreach” representative for FERMI
  • May. 2017 – Present: CALIPSO+ - Joint Research Activity 1 “MooNpics - Metrology On One-Nanometer-Precise Optics” representative for FERMI
  • Oct. 2015 – Sep. 2018: EUCALL Steering Committee Member and WP7 “PUCCA - Pulse Characterization and Control” representative for FERMI
  • Jun. 2015 – Present: Project Leader and Technical Representative for Elettra of the Elettra-DESY
 scientific agreement for “Future developments, realizations and
 commissioning of specialized K-B (Kirkpatrick-Baez) bending mirror systems
 for FERMI and FLASH"
  • Aug. 2014 – Present: Project Leader and Technical Representative for Elettra of the Elettra-DESY scientific agreement for the “Development of a Hartmann wave front sensor for FERMI"
  • Feb. 2013 – Dec. 2019: EuroFEL “Photon Pulse Length Measurement" expert group representative for FERMI
  • Oct. 2008 – Jun. 2011: Technical supervisor of the Sub-ps Streak Camera project at FERMI
  • Sep. 2008 – Mar. 2011: EuroFEL/IRUVX-PP WP3 and WP7 panel member (photons); spokesperson for the “Online Photon Beam Diagnostics and Transport” WP3 Expert Group (EG5)
  • Feb. 2006 – Jun. 2011: Scientist in the FERMI@Elettra Photon Beam Transport Systems group in charge of the photon beam diagnostics (time and energy distribution)
  • Apr. 2003 – May 2003: Visiting scientist at the Advanced Light Source (USA) in the group of Prof. Z.X. Shen (Stanford University) and Z. Hussain to work on the development and setup of a new experimental chamber (to be mounted on BACH beamline) for ARPES-spin resolved experiments


  • 2002: PhD in Mathematical and Physical Engineering: Czech Technical University - Prague – Czech Republic
    Final mark: excellent
    Supervisors: Doc.Ing. F. Černý, DrSc and Prof. F. Parmigiani
    Thesis title: Soft x-ray optics and soft x-ray spectrometer for a circularly polarised radiation source at Elettra

  • 1997: Laurea (M.Sc.) in Physics: University of Trieste - Italy
    Final mark: 109/110
    Supervisor Prof. S. Modesti
    Thesis title: Structure and electronic excitations of correlated bidimensional systems: Sn/Ge(111) and Pb/Ge(111)

last update May 22, 2024, at 02:56 PM by Marco Zangrando