Mailing Lists management

In MARCoNI-Z any mailing list (also called distribution list) can be owned by one or more persons who can add or remove subscribers, as well as change some parameters related to posting or subscribing.

How to access the administration panel

Login to the MARCoNI-Z webmail and then select the "Contacts panel". Under "Contact Lists" a "Distribution Lists" entry will show all the mailing lists you can administer.

Distribution Lists Management

The "Edit" button lets you enter to the selected mailing list management panel:

webpage screenshot
1 - list of current subscribers: remove one by clicking on the red X;
2 - list of subscribeable address present in the server: select and use the button "Add"
3 - enter a list of generic email addresses here, separated by a comma or one by line, and press the "Add" button.

All the settings need to be saved by using the "Save" button in the top-leftmost corner of the window.

Distribution List Properties

By opening the omonimous tab it's possible to tweak who can send emails to this list ("post") and manage subscription requests.
We recommend not to modify the "New Subscription/Unsubscription Requests".

webpage screenshot

Again, do not forget to press the "Save" button in order to make the changes permanent.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 24 Giugno 2021 15:12