SISSA Medialab

Sissa Medialab ( is a company owned by SISSA - International School for Advanced Studies ( It started its activities with the Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP), the first electronic journal specialized in the field, and now produces and runs the series of journals that includes, in addition to JHEP, JCAP, JSTAT, JINST, PoS, JCOM, and JCOM América Latina.

Sissa Medialab organizes events and educational programmes, produce innovative media to communicate science to different audiences, offers consultancy for the development of permanent and temporary exhibitions. It has collaborated with several universities and research centres, institutions and networks.

Sissa Medialab has designed and implemented several exhibitions and provided scientific consultancy for the creation of science museums and science centers. Since 2005 Sissa Medialab has organized training courses for the explainers of science museums, the science teachers, the scientists and researchers. Organized in several European countries, but also in the Americas and Asia, these courses have involved a total of thousands of participants.

Role in the AntiHelix project

SISSA Medialab will be responsible for the organization of a number of Transferable Skills training courses on the basics of science communication, scientific writing, science, society and ethics, and will help with the Outreach programme and the social media. It will also will implement an International Press office dedicated to the consortium.

The AntiHelix Team


Enrico Balli

Enrico M. Balli is the CEO of Sissa Medialab. He has been marketing and communication officer in major publishing companies and media agencies in Italy and abroad. He is a specialist in developing education and communication project using different media since 1980. He served on the Steering Committees of several European Innovative Networks. He is Board Director of Eusea, the European Science Engagement Association and Ambassador of GAPS, the Global Access to Postsecondary Education initiative. He is the Managing Editor of JCOM, the Journal of Science Communication.

Simona Cerrato

I graduated in Physics, specializing in Cosmic Physics, and I have a Master’s degree in Science Communication. Since 1989 I have been involved with communication of science, establishing an extended network of scientists, research institutions, universities and communicators all over the world. I have been working at Sissa Medialab since 2005 participating to various projects at an international level: institutional outreach activities, European projects on science and society, museum and exhibition design, as well as training courses for various audiences (scientists, museum explainers, science journalists, teachers), websites and magazines, science and mathematics school texts, scientific expeditions, documentary films.

I have written books related to my activities as science communicator and have won various prizes. My commitment to society extends to my life outside of work where I participate in volunteer activities related to empowering women in Nepal, often communicating with the world through my photos and writings.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 859853