Elettra Personal Web Page

Michele Zacchigna

Date of birth: July 4th, 1965

Nationality: Italian

Researcher c/o: Laboratorio TASC IOM-CNR

ACADEMIC RECORDS: Ph.D. in experimental physics c/o the department of Physics at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). Supervisor and co-supervisor Prof G. Margaritondo and Dr. M. Grioni. Theis titie: “Synchrotron light Applied to the Lateral study of interfaces with spectromicroscopy”

Degree in Physics at the “Università degli Studi di Trieste” awarded on 7th April 1995. Supervisors: Prof. Renzo Rosei and Dr. K. C. Prince. Thesis title: “Studio della struttura Rh(100)p(2x2)p4mg-O mediante spettroscopia di fotoemissione con luce di sincrotrone”.


2005 - Today Permanent Position as a Researcher c/o former Laboratorio TASC now IOM-CNR

2001-2005 Tenure Track 5 year position supported by “Laboratorio TASC-INFM” under the direction of Prof. Giorgio Rossi. Title of the position: “Dichroic spectroscopy activity on highly correlated systems and spectromicroscopy by means of polarized light at the BACH Beamline”.

2000 - Nov 2001 Fellowship supported by the "Laboratorio TASC-INFM" to work at the Bach Beamline in ELETTRA to follow the commissioning of the line and participate at the research activity of the group, under the supervision of Prof. F. Parmigiani.

1996 - 2000 "Assistant doctorant" in the department of Physics at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL). - Elaboration of a Ph.D. in experimental physics in the research group of Prof G. Margaritondo on the subject “Synchrotron light Applied to the Lateral study of interfaces with spectromicroscopy” - Organization and teaching of exercises for engineers and chemists.

1995 - 1996 CNR Fellowship to support users and collaborate in research at the VUV beamline in ELETTRA under the direction of Prof. P. Perfetti, Director of the “Istituto di Struttura della Materia” – Rome.

1995 EC contract from the Science Academy of Prague (Physics Department), for collaborating in the realization of a beamline for Material Science in ELETTRA.


Angle Resolved Photoemission and Time of Flight spectroscopy by using a laser source in the T-ReX Group c/o ELETTRA. Development and commissioning of a 2D TOF analyser, and time resolved Spectroscopies in the TRARPES Group.

last update February 17, 2012, at 02:42 PM by Michele Zacchigna