18 July 2019
EXOTHERA PCC Meeting in Grado
The final PCC Meeting of EXOTHERA has taken place on 18/07/2019 in Grado with the partecipation of the three partners Elettra, Paracelsus Medical University and University of Udine to present and discuss the achieved progress and plan the final activities for the conclusion of the project.
25 March 2019
3rd Plenary Meeting of EXOTHERA
At the occasion of the Mini Workshop has also been held in Trieste the 3rd Plenary Meeting of EXOTHERA, with the partecipation of all the project partners.
25 March 2019
Mini-workshop on Extracellular Vesicles: from biophysical properties to therapeutic applications
In the framework of the project ITAT1036-EXOTHERA, funded by the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria 2014-2020 programme, we organized a mini-workshop on "Extracellular Vesicles: from biophysical properties to therapeutic applications". The workshop was held in the Meeting Room – Padriciano Campus – Area Science Park on the 11th April 2019 (09:00-13:00). The mini-workshop represented the opportunity to share the results of the project, to gather together the local community working on Extracellular Vesicles field and to be acquainted with state-of-the-art EVs' isolation, characterization and applications, thanks to the participation as invited speakers of three distinguished experts on the EV field (dr. Lucio Barile from Cardiocentro Ticino, dr. Lucia Paolini from Università degli Studi di Brescia and dr. Mateja Mancek-Keber from Slovenian National Institute of chemistry). The workshop has been attended by an audience of more than 70 people coming from research institutes, companies and universities of Trieste, Udine, Ljubljana, Nova Gorica, Rijeka, Salzburg, Padua and Roma, that actively participated to the seminars. The speakers dissected different aspects related to the possible therapeutic applications of Extracellular Vesicles: from their biophysical properties to their uptake dynamics, from their role in inflammatory and immune response to their isolation in GMP conditions, from their implications in cardiovascular diseases to those in oncological frameworks.
A short report and gallery is available at the following link:
11 October 2018
EXOTHERA PCC Meeting in Udine
A PCC meeting of the project EXOTHERA has taken place at the University of Udine (PP2-UniUD) on the day 11/10/2018. During the meeting have been presented and discussed the major points regarding management, administration, communication and scientific-technical activities of the project and upcoming activities have been planned. All participants have also got the possibility to visit, guided by Prof. Curcio, the laboratories and infrastructures of the partners PP2-UniUD and AP3-ASUIUD.
28-30 September 2018
EXOTHERA at Trieste Next 2018 and the European Researchers’ and Night Sharper
EXOTHERA has participated in the event Trieste NEXT and SHARPER, presenting its activities through a poster at the stand of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, designed according to IDEA (Interactive Display of Electron and Atoms), an installation, which uses music to explore the features of matter and scientific data to inspire musical compositions. At the stand of Elettra created a corner for a science cafè (ELETTRA INTERREG CAFÈ), where on 30 September 2018 the PI Pietro Parisse has explained the objectives and activities of the project to the interested public.
26-27 September 2018
EXOTHERA at EuroBioHighTech 2018
EuroBioHighTech 2018 took place in Trieste, at the Palazzo dei Congressi in the Maritime Station, from 26 to 27 September 2018. Elettra has participated in EuroBioHighTech 2018 with its stand, where the roll-ups of EXOTHERA have been exposed and presented to the interested audience.
05 June 2018
EXOTHERA in OggiScienza
The PI Pietro Parisse has also presented EXOTHERA to the public through the article “Il progetto EXOTHERA e lo studio degli esosomi a Trieste” (The project EXOTHERA and the study of the exosomes in Triest), published in the framework of "Trieste Città della Conoscenza" (Triest, City of Knowledge) by the journalist Livia Marin in the online journal OggiScienza (Livia Marin, 05/06/2018).
Article about EXOTHERA in OggiScienza
13 April 2018
Long night of research in Salzburg
On Friday, April 13, 2018 more than 1.500 visitors came to Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) in Salzburg to get information on the latest developments in research and biomedical sciences. 74 PMU researchers and students were engaged from 5 – 11 p.m. to pass on the information to the interested public.
Magdalena Mayr presented the joint INTERREG Project “Exothera”.
10 April 2018
Monitoring Committee of Interreg Italia-Austria program @ Elettra
On 10th April 2018, Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste hosted the Supervisory Committee of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Interreg V-A Italy – Austria for the programming period2014-2020; the programme is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The Committee includes the representatives of the Authorities, Regions/Länder partnering the Programme, the European Commission, the two Member States and the social, economic and territorial partnership in the area of cooperation.
After a welcoming speech given by the President, Prof. Alfonso Franciosi, the Supervisory Committee members were given a description of two projects led by Elettra (lead partner) funded through the first call of the Interreg V-A Italy-Austria programme: InCIMa and EXOTHERA.
The presentations were given in Italian by the researchers in charge - Lisa Vaccari for InCIMa and Pietro Parisse for EXOTHERA - and in German by Regina Rochow, project manager. They outlined the goals and the technical-scientific activities of both projects, as well as expected benefits in the local area and beyond. At the end of the visit, the participants had a tour in the experimental hall of the synchrotron facility and an aperitif was organised to promote an exchange between the Supervisory Committee members and Elettra scientific and administrative staff involved in the projects.
Pictures of the event
5 April 2018
EXOTHERA Plenary meeting in Salzburg
The 2nd plenary meeting of the Interreg EXOTHERA project has been held on 5th April 2018. It took place at Paracelsus Medical University (PMU) in Salzburg.
14 December 2017
Pietro Parisse participated to the SARA 2017 workshop in Lincoln (UK), presenting our first results on EVs' characterization
SARA 2017 webpage
7 December 2017
EXOTHERA at Extracellular vesicles – a novel source of disease biomarkers Workshop
Loredana Casalis presented EXOTHERA results at the Workshop Extracellular vesicles – a novel source of disease biomarkers in University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Biochemistry, Vrazov trg 2, Ljubljana 7/12/2017
20 November 2017
EXOTHERA Facebook page active
Our EXOTHERA Facebook page is now active.
EXOTERA facebook page
1-5 October 2017
EXOTHERA project at FisMat 2017
The EXOTHERA project has been presented during the the Italian National Conference on the Physics of Matter, FisMat 2017, which took place at the International Centre for Theoretical Physics ICTP in Trieste. Pietro Parisse has given an oral contribution on the "Biophysical Analysis of Extracellular Vesicles".
21-23 September 2017
EXOTHERA project at Trieste NEXT and Euro Bio High Tech
The EXOTHERA project has been presented during the Trieste NEXT event (21-23 September) and at the Euro Bio High Tech 2017 Meeting (21-22 September). We have been present with a poster of the project from 21 to 23 September at the stands of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. in Piazza Unità d'Italia and in Stazione Marittima. Moreover, Pietro Parisse has given a short presentation of the project in the morning of September, 21th.
Euro Bio High Tech
05 September 2017
Atomic Force Microscopy analysis of Extracellular Vesicles paper published
Our review paper on Atomic Force Microscopy analysis of extracellular vesicles has been published in the special issue Regional Biophysics Conference 2016 of the European Biophysics Journal.
link to the paper
26 June 2017
EXOTHERA Post doc opening
Open position for a Junior Research Associate at Elettra
Open position
18-22 June 2017
EXOTHERA Ambassadors
Pietro Parisse presented the project EXOTHERA during his invited presentation at the Summer School "Photonics for Health" , held in San Martino di Castrozza (TN).
16-17 March 2017
EXOTHERA Kick-Off Meeting in Triest
The Kick-Off meeting of the Interreg EXOTHERA project has been held on 16th and 17th of March 2017. It took place on the premises of the lead partner Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste as a joint event with the project Interreg ITAT1023-InCIMa.
News on the Programme page
"1st February 2017''
EXOTHERA project official start