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The development and the construction of X-ray free electron lasers (XFELs) has allowed the implementation of an entirely novel class of experiments. Among these, non-linear X-ray studies are becoming possible thanks to the high flux and extremely short durations of X-ray pulses from XFELs. Methods such as four-wave mixing, transient gratings, stimulated Raman, multiphoton absorption, etc. have recently been demonstrated.

Upcoming NETLINCS – NEw Trends in LIneanand Non-linear spectroscopic Chirality Studies, 3-4 Decembre Adriatico Guesthouse – Trieste – Italy --> https://indico.elettra.eu/event/48/

The goal of the workshop NETLINCS is to capitalise the momentum created by novel experiments and theoretical developments on natural chirality and explore and discuss strategies for their successful outcome, especially at XFELs, but also at synchrotrons and with lab-based HHG sources. It will deal with gas, liquid and solid molecular systems.

NETLINCS is a workshop co-organized by COST Action CA22148 - An international network for Non-linear Extreme Ultraviolet to hard X-ray techniques (NEXT) and Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste.

WavemiX2024 – NEXT Annual Meeting webpage,8-12 July 2024 IMDEA nanociencia – Madrid – Spain --> https://nanociencia.imdea.org/wavemix2024/

It is in this context that the WavemiX (Wave mixing in the X-ray) network was created. Its goal is to bring together the community of scientists working on the development of novel non-linear X-ray optical and spectroscopic methods and experiments, as they share common theoretical and technical challenges. This synergy and sharing of expertise and know-how is of high importance in order to foster the implementation of new tools based on the above methods.

WavemiX currently counts several members coming from more than 50 research institutes located around the world.

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Page last modified on December 02, 2024, at 09:10 AM