Introduction |
ICALEPCS'99, the seventh biennial International Conference on Accelerator and Large Experimental Physics Control Systems, will be held in Trieste, Italy, from the 4th to the 8th of October 1999 hosted by Sincrotrone Trieste. It will take place at the "Stazione Marittima", Trieste's Congress Center located on the sea front facing the Adriatic and within five minutes walking distance from the city centre. The "Stazione Marittima" was inaugurated in 1936 when the ship 'Vulcania' built by the Italia-Span company undertook her maiden trip on the North America route; the building has recently been restored as the Congress Center of the city. The early October weather is generally very nice and ideal for visiting Italy.
Participation All those involved worldwide in the field of controls and having an interest in the challenging aspects relating to Experimental Physics are invited to participate and to contribute. |
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announcement in Acrobat .pdf format, or save it in a file if your browser does not
recognise it. (1st_ann.pdf, 362 KB) |