Seminars Archive
GIOTTO, a code for beam dynamics optimization and highly performing bunch compression regime
INFN, Sezione di Milano
Genetic algorithms (GA) are a powerful tool for coping with problems where beam line parameters and beam particle quality factors are strongly correlated in a nonlinear way.
This condictions are typically generated by space-charge domintated regimes, where GIOTTO has been widely used. GIOTTO permits to drive in series different external codes.
The support to user-defined multi objective fitness functions (also not being a MOGA) and constraint functions on the beam dynamics, as well as the possibility to turn off optimizations to perform statistical jitters make GIOTTO an interesting tool for machine Beam Dynamics optimizations and analysis.
A new compression tecnique has been explored exploiting the GIOTTO capabilities. It is an hybrid compression technique performed at low energy (4/6 MeV), taking adavantage from the Velocity Bunching and Ballistic compression in a laminar regime. It result to be the only tecnique able to fully compress and to fully correct the bunch lenght and its energy spread.