We also solicit subjects for workshops, seminars, tutorials and
round-table discussions. Workshops and tutorials will be held before the Conference, i.e.
Thursday 30th September - Friday 1st October '99. Seminars and round-tables will be held
during the Conference period. The next following list of subjects has been suggested but
is by no means restrictive: other suggestions are welcome and should be directed to the
ICALEPCS'99 Secretariat.
- Software Sharing (SOSH)
- Slow Controls for Particle Detectors
- Controls in a non-Experimental Physics facility (e.g. chemical industry, ...)
- Application of Intelligent Systems in industry
- Software Engineering (e.g. Requirements Engineering, ...)
- Java, Corba, COM/DCOM, Componentware...
- Industrial systems (SCADA, OPC, PLC, ...)
- Middleware (e.g. ASAP (Asynchronous Scalable Application Adapter for Multi-Processing))
- Network Technology (ATM, GigaEthernet...)
- System redundancy versus reliability
- Industrial systems versus home-made ones
- WINTEL (Windows & INTEL) versus the rest of the world