Info for XRD1 Users

Retrieving data

Data colected is firstly stored in the controller server (pilatus.blcs with scratch4xrd1.esce mounted) and then moved to a remote server (online4xrd1.esce). Users can access data with their linux account created during the user login (login is the first part before the "@" of the mail registered in the VUO and password is the same of VUO account) on the data analisys clients (Pomodoro and Paprika, see below).

From pomodoro and paprika

The remote server can be accessed at /net/online4xrd1/store/"project_name" .
From the desktop main menu, it is possible to execute the "Elettra XRD Backup" utility (under Education) to create a link on the desktop: "browse" the folders to /net/online4xrd1/store/ , double-click on your project folder and then click the large button "Let me access ..." ; a link will  be created on the desktop in the ElettraProjects folder.

From personal laptop

It is possible to connect with a personal laptop to the online4xrd1.esce server through a wired/wireless connection.
Near the monitors of the data collection workstation there is an ethernet plug that can be used: the ethernet connection should be set to DHCP (automatic) setting, eventually switching off other wifi connections, VPN connections or firewall restrictions. You should see a connection as "undefined network" without internet connection: that is correct because the link is meant only for data transfer.
Check the connection using ping from a terminal/command prompt: ping
If the host is responding, you should be able to use samba using the credentials used for the data collection project.
Under linux/mac: from the file manager (es. Nautilus) it should be possible to find "Connect to server ..." and use smb://"user""project_name" . Or mount using cifs, taking care of permissions (sudoer to mount, VUO user to write)
Under Windows machines, if one of the "Netwok"/"My Computer"/"This PC" icon is present on the desktop (otherwise open a file manager and you should see a "Netwok"/"My Computer"/"This PC" icon on the left column) right click on that and select "Map a Network drive ..."; insert \\\store\"project_name" in the resource field; check the "Connect using different credentials"; click finish and, if everything is ok, insert login and password when asked. A File manager should open and show you your files.

From home

It is possible to retrieve your data from the VUO.
Login to Vuo, click on "My investigations" and then on the specific proposal/investigation. At the bottom of the page click on "Access Online Storage" and follow the instructions.


Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 18 Aprile 2024 16:19