Elettra Personal Web Page

- ST/M-TN-89/3 Notes for the Definition of the Interface between the ELETTRA Control System and the Users

- ST/M-89/7 Shielding and Safeties for the ELETTRA Facility. Status Report

- The ELETTRA Control and Data Acquisition System (Epac 90)

- ST/M-91/18 The ELETTRA Field Highway System (ICALEPCS 1991)

- The ELETTRA Power Supply Control System (Epac 92)

- The ELETTRA Control System Database (Epac 1994)

- ST/M-95/7 Controls in the Past Years of ELETTRA Operation (Icalepcs 95)

- Design and Development of a new Control System for the ELETTRA Linac (Epac 96)

- The Design of the FERMI Personnel Access Control and Interlock System (Epac 96)

- The ELETTRA Injector Linac Upgrading Program (Epac 96)

- A New Alarm System Processor for ELETTRA (Epac 96)

- ST/M-96/07 Preliminary Design Study for the Linear Accelerator of the Energy Amplifier

- Elliptical Wiggler Control at ELETTRA (Icalepcs 97)

- Design of an Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler for ELETTRA (PAC 97)

- Construction and testing of an electromagnetic elliptical wiggler for ELETTRA (Epac 98)

- Controls for the Electromagnetic Elliptical Wiggler at ELETTRA (Icalepcs 99)

- Development of a TANGO interface for the Siemens-based control system of the Elettra infrastructure plants (Icalepcs 2019)

last update June 19, 2020, at 09:41 AM by Paolo Michelini