Goals of the network
Develop EUV-soft-hard Xray nonlinear spectroscopy (an optical) at Free Electron Lasers (FELs),
High Harmonic Generation (HHG) sources, etc.
- 3 wave mixing:
- Second Harmonic Generation (SHG)
- Sum/Difference Frequency Generation (S/DFG)
- Optical Rectification (OR)
- 4 wave mixing:
- Transient Grating (TG)
- Coherent Anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) and TRUE-CARS,
- 2D and multi-dimensional spectroscopy
Create a strong community (critical mass):
- X-ray scientists
- Laser scientists
- Atomic Molecular and Optical physics, Chemistry, Condensed Matter, Bio scientists
- Theoreticians
- FEL machine scientists
Build new experimental capabilities
- Portable-permanent instruments
- Dedicated beamlines, facility upgrades
Expand the User’s community!
Short term goals
- Proposals lead by PIs
- Internal projects
- WavemiX workshop
- Website-Mailing lists
Medium term goals
- Campaign proposals
- Publications
- Perspective paper
- International Advisory Board
Long term goals
- Foster the new generation of scientists
- Funding for hardware and personnel