BaDElPh News

21.3 Further beamline motorization and remote controlled ARPES data acquisition

2021-08-26: The grating switching, the exit slit aperture, and the refocusing mirror horizontal position have been motorized. They can now be controlled remotely via the BaDElPh extended control software, thus also enabling remote acquisition of photon energy-dependent ARPES data.

21.2 Commissioning of the new ARPES data acquisition control software

2021-01-15: The commissioning of the new ARPES data acquisition control software has begun, together with its integration with the beamline and manipulator control software in order to realize the so-called BaDElPh extended control software. The new LabView-based ARPES software is interfaced with the SpecsLab Prodigy data acquisition and experiment control software package by Specs, and will soon be available to Users.


2021-01-01: Updated info for Users are available at the User Area section, or you can contact the Elettra User Office and/or the relevant beamline coordinator. We recommend users to consult also the beamline Safety section. Thank you for your cooperation.


Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 29 Agosto 2024 14:24