LP - Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste, Trieste, IT
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste is a multidisciplinary international research center of excellence, specialized in generating high quality synchrotron and free-electron laser light and applying it in materials and life sciences. Its mission is to promote cultural, social and economic growth through: Basic and applied research; Technology and know-how transfer; Technical, scientific and management education; Role of reference in the national and international scientific networks.
We develop excellence by providing state-of-the-art services for high-quality, internationally recognized research, thus contributing to enhance the positive impact and relevance of science on society.
Team Manager, Project PI: Dr. Lisa Vaccari Project Manager: Dr. Regina Rochow Communication Manager: Dr. Andrea Lausi Team Members: Dr. Nicola Cefarin, Dr. Giuliana Tromba, Dr. Diego Dreossi, Dr. Giovanni Birarda, Dr. Francesco D'Amico, Dr. Alessandro Gessini, Dr. Nicola Sodini, Ms. Pertosi Adriana, Mr. Renato Gioppo, Mr. Stefano Deiuri
PP1 - University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg, AT
The Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (FHS) is the university for technology, health and media. Here, 2,700 students receive training in the disciplines of Engineering, Business and Social Sciences comprising Tourism, Business Management and Social Work, Design, Media & Arts and Health Studies. This regional research and teaching institution, with its 320 staff members, is focused in solving applied questions with innovation purposes. With its international outlook applied in research and teaching, the university is a pioneer of future-oriented degree programmes and practice-oriented solutions for business and society.
Team Manager: FH-Prof. DI (FH) Dr. Thomas Schnabel Former Team Manager: FH-Prof. Dr. Gianluca Tondi Team Members: DI Thomas Sepperer BSc, Ms. Ingrid Seidl
PP2 - Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Salzburg, AT
The Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (PLUS), with over 18,000 students and 2,800 employees in research, teaching and administration is the largest educational institution in both the city and province of Salzburg. As an integral part of the cultural and economic life of Salzburg, it is a meeting place between teachers and students, scientists and the public.
The name of the university reflects its founding by Prince Archbishop Paris Lodron in 1622. Since the re-establishment of the University of Salzburg in 1962, it has developed into a modern and lively university that meets the highest requirements with its four faculties, Theology, Law, Cultural and Sociale Sciences, and Natural Sciences, in teaching and research.
Team Manager: Prof. Dr. Maurizio Musso Team Members: Dr. Gilles Bourret, Dr. Andreas Reyer