File sharing - troubleshooting
Error: Cannot open file on Elettra Drive
Most of the time this problem is due to a limitation in Microsoft software. It's more frequent on Windows but can also affect MacOS.Microsoft windows has a limitation of 249 characters in the lenght of all the full paths of the files. For 'full path' here we mean "filename with all the directories it's in", like:
C:\this_is\a_very\usual\filepath\with\file\name\filename.txtFor the curious people here are the technical details.
If this is not enough for the bravehearts, Microsoft Excel has an even stricter limit for file paths: 218 charaters! And this is valid also for Excel on MacOS
So, the only workarounds to this are:
- Keep names of directories and files short, adhering to the KISS principle.
- When using Elettra Drive, prefer using the SeaDrive Desktop client instead of the Syncing client.
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 20 Marzo 2020 15:06