Mechanical Design, Alignment and Metrology WorkshopThe Mechanical Group in Sincrotrone Trieste consists of several activities Mechanical Design, Alignment and Metrology and Mechanical Workshop.The Mechanical Design takes care of the conceptual design, design and development of mechanical systems for the Elettra and FERMI facilities. Designers and technicians collaborate closely with researchers, other technical groups and all the Sincrotrone Trieste expertise, implementing new equipments in a wide range of areas such as the UHV compatible mechanics and scientific instrumentation. The storage ring Elettra, all the front-ends, most of the beamlines, the insertion devices, the new booster and, more recently, the new Free Electron Laser FERMI have been designed by the mechanical design group. The group uses 3D computer aided design softwares as Catia and Solid works and finite element analysis software as Ansys, it is involved in designing and performing thermal, structural and deformation analysis of mechanical component and complex systems and takes care also to up-date the configuration files, the naming and the layouts of mechanical, electrical, vacuum and hydraulic systems. Alignment and Metrology personnel supports beamlines in assembling and control operations and it is involved in periodic survey of the two facilities. The reference networks for the facilities have been realized by means two Leica Laser Trackers. The Metrology Laboratory controls if the components are in compliance with the specifications and the mechanical drawings. In the lab several dedicated instruments and equipments are available. The internal workshop provides the realization, refurbishment or reparation of mechanical and vacuum components. It is equipped with a brazature and Ar-welding points, four lathe machines, one of them CAM, and three milling machines, two of them CAM. |
VacuumThe Vacuum Group has the responsibility of the vacuum of both the facilities. This activity starts designing the vacuum systems, assisting the design of vacuum components and vessels, passes through the commissioning of the components and ends with the final assembling and general commissioning. The Vacuum Laboratory is equipped with several ultrasound vessels to clean large components, a six meter long oven in vacuum connected with a clean room where components are prepared for mounting or transport and several vacuum test station, residual mass analyzer and leaktester to operate in the laboratory and/or at the facilities directly. |
OpticsThe Optics Group is a support group to Elettra and FERMI beamlines. Personnel of the two laboratories, X-ray Lab and Optical Metrology Lab are involved in the beamlines conceptual design, ray tracing, optical design and the design of the most important optical components for beamlines. Optical and/or related mechanical new components are specified and conceptual designed accordeing to the beamlines personnel. In case of particular instrumentation, suppliers designs and drawings are evaluated together and revised if necessary, then construction is attended to, and acceptance tests and commissioning are carry out. A fixed-anode and a rotating-anode X-ray sources are available in the X-ray laboratory for testing single crystals, multilayers and powders. The fixed-anode source is equipped with a Si111 monochromator and a 8-axes station to align and scan the sample. The rotating anode source produces a focussed and monochromatic beam and it is equipped with a 4-circle eulerian goniometer. The Optical Metrology Laboratory is equipped with a clean room for optics surface characterisation by means interferometers and a room with high precision controlled temperature for a Long Trace Profiler to measure the radius of curvature and the slope errors of the long x-ray mirrors. |
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 15 Marzo 2012 20:17