
Different levels of radiation protection training are provided for workers, depending on their specific activity.

Beamlines' users


Personnel authorized to take Elettra hutch keys

Elettra and FERMI users are required to perform the Radiation Protection and Safety training available on line in the Virtual Unified Office (VUO).
If you are already registered, please log-in, check the "Downloads" section and follow the instructions.
Users, who will not follow the on line training, will be asked to perform it upon their arrival at the Research Centre.
  keys A specific training is foreseen for the personnel authorized to take Elettra hutch keys from the Experimental Hall keysafes.
For more info, please select the following links (local only): Italian  English

Radiation workers


High risk personnel

Radiation signal Personnel classified as "radiation workers" are required
to attend a training concerning radiation protection issues
at the accelerators, procedure to enter machine tunnels, radiation protection rules, etc.
  Training A radiation protection course has been organized in December 2013, 3-5, addressed to high risk personnel. Slides (Italian language) are available here (local only).

Control room operators

beam Specific radiation protection trainings are organized for the control room operators.      


Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 22 Luglio 2022 15:29