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World X-ray science facilities are contributing to overcoming COVID-19
The X-ray Science Facilities, with the intent to coordinate and strengthen their support of scientific research and solutions to the COVID-19 pandemic, assembled for a remote access video AOBA SR20 Summit on 23-24 April 2020, among the delegates Claudio Masciovecchio, Director of FERMI Free Electron Laser. The following Action Plan was adopted:
Share information and contribute to the coordination of efforts across all X-ray Science Facilities on scientific research addressing the COVID-19 pandemic
Explore the establishment of a worldwide X-ray Science Facilities network including university and industrial users for a comprehensive mobilization of facilities
Study the development of a shared IT system to accelerate the process of information distribution, favor global cooperation among facilities, and enable the most rapid and effective access for scientific projects across facilities
Exchange experience on remote access and sample mail-in procedures by the user community to maintain and strengthen experimental activities without user travel.
Coordinate efforts of the X-ray Science Facilities with those of other analytical facilities as, for example, those using neutrons, cryo-electron-microscopy, lasers and nuclear magnetic resonance
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 11 Febbraio 2021 11:23