Elettra and ERF@ESOF2020


European large scale research infrastructures play a major role in pooling forces to address the main world research challenges also in the time of the pandemic.

The ERF-AISBL and its members have taken the chance of the Science in the City Festival at ESOF2020 to showcase to the wider public some of the research carried out at European research facilities, with an exhibition at Magazzino 28 in the old harbour (Porto Vecchio) in Trieste, from 2 to 6 September 2020.

The event consists of videos, posters and interactive onsite and online live talks with expert scientists, on topics spanning renewable energy and cultural heritage, astronomy, environmental sciences and biomedical research, including recent advances in SARS-CoV2 antiviral therapies and vaccine.
The complete program and more information on how to freely attend the live talks with the researches at this link.

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 01 Settembre 2020 18:27