In solidarity with Ukraine and against violence


Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. management and staff wish to express solidarity to all those who are affected by the ongoing tragic events following the war of aggression against Ukraine. Our thoughts and sympathy go out to all Ukrainian people who are suffering from the war, to the Ukrainian families who are losing their loved ones, but also to the peace-loving Russian citizens who are being incarcerated for demonstrating against this senseless war.

Elettra and FERMI are international research facilities, and we maintain our firm commitment to promote scientific excellence beyond all national borders, within a framework of peaceful cooperation, banning all forms of violence. We hear from several of our Russian users, and from the Russian scientists in our staff, and they are all shocked by the war outbreak, are totally against any military action and are trying to support their fellow colleagues and relatives in Ukraine as much as they can under the circumstances.
We feel strongly that, barring new limitations introduced by the Italian government, we should continue to admit at Elettra and FERMI individual users from any country in the world, including Russia. Peaceful scientific collaboration among civilized individuals should not be prevented by any dictator's behaviour.

Ultima modifica il Martedì, 20 Giugno 2023 15:53