Support Lab


ELETTRA provides a support laboratory  for beamlines and users support. It is divided in two areas, a workshop and a chemical laboratory and cristallographic samples preparation. It mainly serves as workshop to integrate ELETTRA's beamlines capabilities, by upgrading the experimental chambers or properly fitting new tools and equipment and to support users to perform chemical reactions or cristallographic samples preparation.
The Support Lab can also provide assistance for very urgent users' requests or needs during the beamtime (e.g. repairing broken tools to save the beamtime).


Equipment Operation Policy

User privileges


External users are not allowed to directly contact the Support Lab personnel or to enter the Support Lab  area. For any request, they must contact first the beamline personnel.
In general, the Support Lab is not intended to provide/prepare equipment or tools for the users' beamtimes. Users must bring their own equipment for the beamtime. The Support Lab can help in fitting the user's equipment to the beamline experimental chambers. In addition the purpose of chemical laboratory facility is to support the users for their chemical needs. Moreover Support Lab provide a service for cristallographic samples preparation by mean of a Laue diffraction equipment.
Under special circumstances, e.g. very urgent needs or long-term collaborations, personnel external to the Support Lab facility may be trained and be authorised for access upon consideration of needs, scheduling requirements, safety and facility operation issues.

Lab Safety/Operation


The Support Lab  facility is a high use facility with limited space. Therefore, proper training and attention to safety are critical. Users allowed to enter the Support Lab area must follow the Support Lab Health and Safety Rules and consider the effects of their operations/conduct not only on their research, but also on other facility users. If an individual's operation is deemed to be unsafe or unacceptable, e.g. damaging to other work or equipment, user privileges may be revoked.


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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 09 Maggio 2023 10:30