How to run EXAFS, XRR, and XSW scans

KEEP IN MIND: never open more than one scan tool at the same time!

In any Scan Tool window, you will see green and white boxes: 

green white boxes

The green box shows the values currently in use and is read only, the white box is used to enter the new input. New values are shown in blue and bold: they are not set until you don't press ENTER on your keyboard. When this is done, the white box will show a black font and the green box will be updated with the new value.

black text in white box

  • To run normal EXAFS scans, use the EXAFS Scan tool. 

EXAFS scan

You can set up to 4 different Bruker ROIs for fluorescence measurements. To do so, you can enter the first and last channels of the Bruker, separated by a comma and enclosed in square brackets. E.g.: to enter a ROI including everything channel 1 to channel 34 enter: [1,34])


Also, you can enter the ROIs following the syntax used for the element edge (first field from the top) and some default values will be loaded. Such values are ok for the K_alpha emission line of the element in standard considitions (i.e. with no peaks overlapping). Starting from the default values, you can always adjust the channels to suit your (experiment) needs.


  •  To run EXAFS scans at constant q you can use the XSW-EXAFS Scan Tool:

XSW scan

  • To run XRR scans, set the corresponding Scan Type and insert the values at which the sample is parallel to the beam (theta zero) and the diode detects the direct beam (2theta zero):


XRR scan

Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 15 Dicembre 2023 11:22