All information on the main scientific and technical activities carried out at the Material Science Beamline (MSB) and how to perform them safely can be found in the following documents:
- Istruzioni di sicurezza della linea di luce Materials Science (document code: PRSI-IOP-10 in English)
- Istruzioni di sicurezza della linea di luce Materials Science (document code: PRSI-IOP-10 in italiano)
- Scheda di valutazione del rischio Manutentore elettrico (in italiano)
- Safety procedure for the safe filling of a Dewar at the liquid nitrogen tank (in English)

Work: +39 040-375-8703
Work: +39 040-375-8308
Work: +39 040-375-8378
Mobile: +39 3351272665
Mobile: +39 3498425123
Fax: +39 040-375-0409380902
Work: +39 040-375-8703
Work: +39 040-375-8308
Work: +39 040-375-8378
Mobile: +39 3351272665
Mobile: +39 3498425123
Fax: +39 040-375-0409380902
We encourage users and internal staff to consult the Prevention and Safety section of Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste website, where a comprehensive collection of procedures and safety instructions can be found. All are invited to take notice of how to manage an emergency.
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 29 Ottobre 2024 10:19