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Info for SYRMEP Users
On Proposal Submission
Elettra and FERMI are open to users intending to publish their scientific results in the literature. Normal and long-term proposals are submitted in two semestral calls for proposals.
Each experiment in X-ray imaging is unique and requires careful preparation and guidance from the proposal submission to the design of a correct setup in order to provide the researcher with meaningful data. It is strongly recommended to discuss with the beamline scientists the technical feasibility of your experiment idea before submitting the proposal. The beamline scientists will provide you with technical support in writing your application. Please keep in mind that the beamline scientists may not be experts in your own research field. More suggestions are reported here.
Call for proposals
Elettra User Area
Virtual Unified Office (VUO)
Access request
Beamtime Schedule
How to submit a proposal
Instructions on how to submit a proposal are reported here. Every proposal is evaluated by our Proposal Review Panel, following guidelines described here. Successful proposal could receive financial support thanks to specific programs or agreements between institutions.
Before you begin to work at Elettra an Access Request must be submitted in due time. The User AREA page of Elettra homepage gives all the information ususlly required from users in order to make the best use of their time at the synchrotron.
Ultima modifica il Martedì, 24 Ottobre 2023 17:52