Operations and Development of the Accelerators


ODAC is the acronym of the project: Operations and Development of the Accelerators, with one year duration i.e.1st of January to the 31st of December and renewable every year upon submission of a new proposal. It is one of the initiatives that contribute to implement and support the MIUR International Project ELETTRA. The present proposal is intended for the year 2015.
With the term Operations and Development we mean all the necessary actions to ensure and improve the functioning of the accelerators as means of service to the users.
The Operations of the Accelerators include both periods of functioning of the accelerators as well as shutdowns during the whole year and consists of many contributing items. For its budget and resources considers the necessary to commission, operate, troubleshoot, repair, maintain and optimise of already existing parts. To this aspect it does not include equipments for general use, new big developments and projects, even if they are related, or accelerator physics experiments that are not directly connected to the functioning, commissioning or improvement of the accelerators or their parts. On the other hand it may include small or medium size development projects that have an immediate impact on the accelerator such as top-up implementation, vacuum chamber cooling improvement etc.

Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 30 Marzo 2018 15:49