
LEGISLATIVE DECREE n.196 of 30 June 2003

(Code regarding the Protection of Personal Data)


Legislative decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003 “Code regarding the protection of personal data” regulates the protection of individuals and other subjects with regards to the processing of their personal data, and places a number of obligations on those who process the personal information of third parties. Among them is the compulsory obligation to provide the subjects whose personal data is being processed with adequate information on the use of the data itself.
Pursuant to art. 13 (policy statement) of legislative decree n. 196 of 30 June 2003, the personal data, including sensitive data, provided by you or acquired as part of ongoing relations with you, may be subject to processing.

D.lgs. 196/03 indentifies the following activities as processing of personal data:
Collection, registration, organization, conservation, consultation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, block, communication, dissemination, erasure, destruction.

Purpose of data processing
The personal data subject to processing shall be processed exclusively for purposes related and necessary to complying with legal and other obligations arising from our ongoing relations with you. In particular, data processing is necessary for:
-        Booking and issuing travel tickets;
-        Complying with accounting, civil law, and fiscal obligations;
-        Fulfilling operational, management, and statistical needs;
-        Allowing access to Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. in compliance with existing safety norms;
Complying with accounting requirements under the guidelines of funded projects.

Nature of the conferring of the data and consequences of a lack thereof
We inform you that the conferring of your personal data is necessary for the fulfilment of the purposes related to our ongoing relations with you; therefore failure to provide said data may make it impossible on our part to fulfil previous agreements.

Data processing modalities
The processing and archiving of your personal data shall take place in full compliance with the norms set out by D.lgs. n. 196/03 and in particular Title V, Paragraph II, which establishes minimum security measures, and shall be carried out by subjects such as: the data controller, or persons duly authorized and appointed to carry out these functions, constantly identified, instructed and informed about the constraints imposed by D.lgs. 196/03.
Processing shall take place through the use of IT, telematic, or electronic instruments, whether online or not, or though the use of paper copies, strictly for the fulfilment of stated purposes, and while fully guaranteeing the security, privacy, and availability of the data themselves, and in accordance with the principles of fairness, admissibility, transparency, and the protection of your rights and privacy;
Data shall be processed throughout the duration of our contractual relationship, and beyond for the fulfilment of all legal obligations.

Communication and dissemination
Without prejudice communication and dissemination carried out in compliance with legal obligations, European Community norms, or contract obligations, the communication of your personal data to third parties – such as contractors or other parties appointed by the data controller - may be necessary in order to ensure the full operability of the service.
In any case, the diffusion of your personal data through any means is prohibited without your explicit prior consent.

Rights of the data subject
Pursuant to art. 7 D.lgs. n. 196/03, the data subject has, at any time, the right to obtain confirmation of the existence or lack thereof of personal data concerning them, even if said data has not yet been registered, and to have said data communicated to them in intelligible form. They can therefore address their request, through registered letter, to the data controller, who shall provide an immediate and suitable response.

Data controller
The data controller is:

Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. di interesse nazionale
Strada Statale 14 km 163,5 in Area Science Park
34149 Basovizza – Trieste

The full list of individuals responsible for privacy can be consulted under the section:
Organigramma Privacy della Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A.   of the following webpage:

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Ultima modifica il Martedì, 25 Febbraio 2014 14:41