Achievements and Experimental report


An outline of the main results of your beamtime. Achievements can be edited by clicking on the link “Achievements” at the bottom of the proposal description, available in the VUO. Note that once the experimental report is uploaded, editing option is no longer active.
Filling the achievements is mandatory for the submission of new proposals, therefore we recommend you to do it well in advance of the proposal’s submission deadline in order to avoid last minute inconvenients.

Experimental Report

In this report you can explain in detail your experiment, their results and the contribution of those to the scientific community. This information will be considered by the Proposal Review Panel on the evaluation of your future applications for beamtime.
This document is mandatory for the submission of new proposals. We recommend you to upload it well in advance of the proposal’s submission deadline in order to avoid last minute inconvenients. It must be completed at the end of every scheduled proposal and can have a maximum length of 2 pages, figures included. Instructions for the compilation of the template can be found on the same.
The experimental report template (see below) can be downloaded from the VUO right after submitting the achievements. Otherwise, it is possible to access the Experimental Report editing page clicking on the link “Experimental Report” at the bottom of the proposal description on the VUO. Please note that you must fill in the achievements before downloading the template.

Example of an experimental report template:

Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Gennaio 2012 10:42