Eurotherm iTools


In brief

This software pernits to control the Eurtherm 3508 unit that is used for measuring the sample temperature during annealing or cooling and control the power supply used for sample annealing.

The most important features are labelled in the screenshot above
  • Connect the software to the unit: Scan - OK. The device Sample.192-168-16-10-502-ID002-3508 will appear in the list of devices and synchronized in about 1 minute.
  • Display the Device panel. You can then push the buttons in the software equally to the physical unit.
  • Change units between °C and K: in the parameter tree on the left side look for Instrument - Options - Units, change to DegC or Kelvin and confirm.
    (The units can be changed also by hardware buttons.)
  • Display the temperature trend: open OPC Scope, then File - Open - T.UIX and confirm.
    iTools OPC Scope
  • Program the annealing sequence: open Programmer and add/remove/modify segments.
    iTools Programmer Editor
    For operating the program see Sample annealing.
  • Disconnect the software: close iTools.

Further details

The complete software manual is available here. The manual of the Eurotherm 3508 unit is here.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 09 Marzo 2023 11:11