LEED Acquire

LEED Acquire

This software is used to acquire, process and save the LEED patterns acquired by the corresponding camera.

The top left section is used to build a filename and path from the selected Folder, current Date, Sample description (write e.g. the same description as you do for groups in SpecsLab2), Energy, Screen voltage and Filament current (write values set on the LEED controller).

Further you can adjust the camera sensitivity between 1 and 10 (Intensity), choose if to View the original image (as acquired) or processed according to the selected Options. The image is saved using the SAVE button and you will be informed if such file already exists.

The Options are:
  • to save only the original image, only the processed image or both (original images will have the same filename preceeded with a prefix orig_);
  • to crop the original 1600×1200 pix rectangular image to 1200×1200 pix square;
  • to average up to 10 images upon saving which can reduce the noise but takes longer times (up to 5 s);
  • to adjust the brightness, contrast and gamma RGB color levels (for example, since the LEED screen luminofor shines mostly greenish, the blue color channel would contribute only to noise so it has the brightness set to 0 while the green channel has slightly increased contrast in the screenshot above).
All settings are saved upon EXITing the software and will be recalled next time you start it.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 18 Agosto 2022 09:28