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NanoESCA applications
Where are the interesting features?
Photoelectron Emission Microscope mode
Survey imaging with a large field of view, resolution down to 50 nm and real-time imaging of the surface. The lens projects a magnified image of the sample directly onto the PEEM screen.
Which elements are there and how much?
Small Spot Spectroscopy mode
High sensitivity single-spot spectroscopy using a Channeltron® after the first energy analyser for quantitative elemental analysis.
What is the elemental map?
Imaging ESCA-Mode
The main lens has a large angular acceptance and projects the magnified image into the analyser.
The image information is energy filtered by the highly aberration correcting IDEA and projected onto a MCP/screen stack for CCD camera based date acqusition.
Ultima modifica il Venerdì, 10 Gennaio 2014 09:48