Info for XRD1 Users
Pagina 2 di 6
For measurements not requiring particular setups, exploiting instruments already available at the beamline is possible to use a rapid allocation mechanism offering different advantages:
DescriptionThe new mechanism is dedicated to crystallography experiments (single crystals or powders), having a well-defined experimental setup and samples suffering of a rapid decay in terms of quality since formed. The new proposal submission system reduces significantly the time period between proposal submission and allocation and supposes the crystalline samples be ready in the moment of proposal submission. If the experiment requires a particular setup in order to be performed or extended times is required for bureaucratic purposes such as visa applications (e.g. more than 1 month), the usual procedure (based on 6-months period) should be used. It is possible to submit a proposal at any time during the year, so no deadlines are present. At the beginning of every month the proposals submitted in the previous one are evaluated by an appropriate Proposal Review Panel (M). The beamtime allocation is made by the beamline scientist in the following month, according to the score assigned on the basis of scientific relevance. The whole procedure is accessible via VUO following the link "Submit a proposal for small molecules or macromolecular crystallography". In case of overbooking the proposals not allocated are automatically re-submitted for the following month, (keeping the assigned rating value) for a maximum of six times.
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