Elettra parameters
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The latter has been concepually designed to have a low emittance of 4.0 nm and 7.1 nm, at 1.5 and 2.0 GeV respectively. The lattice is of the expanded Chasman-Green type composed of twelve double bend achromats with horizontal and vertical tunes of 14.3 and 8.2. The beta functions are 8.2 m horizontally and 2.6 m vertically in the center of the dispersive free straights, and the maximum dispersion is 0.4 m. Two families of sextupoles have been placed in the dispersive arcs in order to compensate for the large horizontal and vertical horizontal and a vertical natural chromaticities of -43.0 and of -14.0. An additional harmonic sextupole family islocated in the non-dispersive straights, has been optimize to minimize non-linear effects and to enlargen the dynamic aperture.Insertion devices are accomodated in eleven of the straight sections, where additional quadrupole families are used for linear distorsion compensations.
Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 26 Ottobre 2020 15:24