

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 20, 6083 (2018).Nanoscale 10, 7085 (2018)

3. Graphene growth by molecular beam epitaxy: an interplay between desorption, diffusion and intercalation of elemental C species on the islands
Francesco Presel, Holly Tetlow, Luca Bignardi, Paolo Lacovig, Cristian Tache, Silvano Lizzit, Lev Kantorovich and Alessandro Baraldi
Selected as Cover Article of Nanoscale 10, 7396 (2018)

Surface Science  678, 57-64 (2018)2D Materials 5, 035012 (2018)Physical Review B 98, 115412 (2018)

Ultima modifica il Lunedì, 13 Novembre 2023 13:22