The Indo-Italian POC project

The IISc-Elettra POC supports access to the synchrotron radiation facility Elettra and to the free electron laser FERMI by Indian scientists

In the framework of the Italy-India Joint Science and Technology Cooperation, Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste and the Indian Institute of Science - Bangalore set a Program of Cooperation (POC) project with the aim of supporting access to the Elettra synchrotron and Fermi free electron laser beamlines by Indian researchers. 
Support is provided by the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MAECI) and the Indian Department of Science & Technology (DST).
Access is granted on the basis of scientific excellence of the proposals, reviewed by an external and independent Selection Panel. Access is provided free of charge, including support for travel and accommodation costs; it has to be requested both to Elettra (submitting a scientific proposal via the VUO portal) and to the Department of Science & Technology, India (
In order to apply for support, please contact the DST at
IMPORTANT: All publications deriving from a POC funded proposal must acknowledge the support as: 

"Con il contributo del Ministero Italiano degli Affari esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale ed il dipartimento indiano della  Scienza e Tecnologia." or  "Funded by a grant from the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and the Indian Department of Science & Technology".

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Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 22 Marzo 2023 11:18