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More info
The third-generation Italian synchrotron radiation facility Elettra has been serving the national and international scientific and industrial communities starting from 1993, with continuous upgrades up to the present day. In the storage ring, electrons traveling at nearly the speed of light through undulators, wigglers and bending magnets produce synchrotron radiation, a light ten billion times brighter than that supplied by conventional radiation sources, with tunable wavelength spanning from the infrared to hard x-rays. Beamlines collect and transport this radiation to the experimental stations, where the secrets of matter are revealed thanks to investigation techniques based on spectroscopy, diffraction, absorption, scattering and imaging. Research is carried out in fields ranging from physics to chemistry, from biology to life and environmental sciences, from medicine to cultural heritage. |
Quantum materials a fullerene - topological insulator heterostructure
Chemistry Operando spectromicroscopy for gas sensing
2D materials Lifting the spin degeneracy in Dirac cones
Materials Science Tracking carbon atomic wires growth with in situ resonant UV Raman
Elettra, the 2/2.4 GeV third generation Italian light source, has successfully joined the synchrotron facilities that operate fully in top-up mode.
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Elettra is proud of operating 28 beamlines that enable the most important x-ray based techniques in the areas of spectroscopy, spectro-microscopy, diffraction, scattering and lithography.
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Machine status
Beam parameters

Electron beam operating parameters of the Elettra storage ring
Call for proposals

On the next generation - ultimate light source - Elettra 2.0
Last Updated on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 11:42