Software Engineers for Control Systems Ref I/15/04
Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste is an international multidisciplinary research center operated as a user facility, featuring a 2.4 GeV, third-generation synchrotron light source and a variety of support laboratories. The extremely high quality of the machine and beamlines has set new performance records and has been producing results of great scientific interest. See for more information. A free-electron laser (FEL) based, fourth generation source - FERMI - is currently under commissioning.
See for more information.
As part of its contribution to the international projects in which Italy is involved, Elettra will also participate in the design and construction of large experimental physics facilities being built in Europe.
Job Description: The control system of an experimental physics facility consists of several computers distributed along the plant that interface with the different equipment to be controlled. A number of consoles allow remote operation of the machines and experiments. State-of-art hardware and software technologies are adopted; the TANGO control system software ( is used to develop distributed control applications. The successful candidate will work in the development of control and data acquisition systems for the facilities under construction. In particular, he/she will interact with the people involved in the construction and operation of the facilities to define the requirements and successively implement software applications for integrating and controlling the diverse equipment and instrumentation. He/she will also write the software documentation, participate in the preparation of formal project documents and contribute to the preparation of the response of Elettra to call for tenders. He/she will mainly operate in Trieste with periods of work at international projects sites.
Qualifications: A university degree in Electronic Engineering, Computer Science or Physics is required.
Good time management skills and ability to prioritize are expected, together with the capacity to interact with staff and to work as part of a multidisciplinary team. Good oral and written communication skills in English are essential. |
We thank all applicants in advance.
For more information, please contact Ing. Marco Lonza()
Applications should be sent by e-mail () or by post to the following address:
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. Attività Risorse Umane S.S. 14 Km 163, 5 in Area Science Park 34149 Basovizza - Trieste, Italy |
The position number I/15/04 should be clearly written on the application. The application must be accompanied by the following signed statement:
"The undersigned authorizes Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. to handle his/her personal data for the purpose associated with the present announcement, within the meaning of Italian D.Lgs. 196/03". |
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