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Elettra for Gender Equality
Gender equality is a fundamental value of the European Union and one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste has adopted a Gender Equality Plan - GEP - with the aim of strengthening equal opportunities through a set of concrete and coherent actions to ensure no discrimination and gender stereotypes.
Our GEP describes what is already established for gender equality and identifies actions and activities we are working on. These encompasses methods of personnel recruitment gender biased free and policies for professional growth that can attract talented women and men, as well flexible working schemes such asagile working to facilitate the reconciliation of work and private life. Within the GEP we are organizing training and awareness programs to increase equity and integration.
At Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste we believe that promoting gender equality and valuing diversity are not only paramount values but also essential tools for achieving our scientific goals. A diverse and inclusive work environment is crucial to reach excellence: it fosters innovation, stimulates creativity and contributes to the advancement of science and society.
If you want to know more, have a look to our Gender Equality plan by clicking on the document on the right. |
Last Updated on Monday, 08 May 2023 08:17