Trieste, 26 July 2013INFORMATION NOTICE
With act of Board of directors of 05.07.2013, Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. (in the following “Elettra”) will award the contract for the provision of two accelerating structures, including their accessory parts, e.g. solenoids, input waveguide assembly and support girder, for the LINAC of the FERMI@Elettra Project, including the design of the complete system, the manufacturing, the testing and the costs of packaging, insurance and transportation to the premises of Elettra, through a negotiated procedure without previous publication of a contract notice in accordance with article 57, paragraph 3, letter a) of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006, as amended.
The estimated overall value of the provision subject to this tender is € 485.000,00 (four hundred and eighty five thousand /00 euros), net of VAT in accordance with the law.
The contract will be awarded through a negotiated procedure subject to the implementation of an unofficial tender process between no fewer than three companies/subjects, where suitable subjects can be found in such number, and after publication of this notice on this site.
If, after publication of the notice, there is not a sufficient number of candidates, Elettra reserves the right to add to the candidate pool trusted companies that possess the requested requirements, detailed in Sections 1, 2, and 3 of the form “Request to participate in the tender and enclosed self-declarations”.
Any interested company may present its request to participate by filling in the form “Request to participate in the tender and enclosed self-declarations”, undersigned by the legal representative or other empowered person, along with a copy of a valid identification document of the same person,sent in a sealed envelope that should be delivered no later than 4.00 p.m. on 9 September 2013 to the following address:
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A
S.S. 14 km 163,5 in Area Science Park
34149 Basovizza – Trieste – Italy
Attn: Attività Approvvigionamenti (Purchasing Department)
The following shall be written on the outside of the envelope containing the request:
<<NON APRIRE - Contiene istanza di partecipazione – Fornitura di due sezioni acceleranti per il LINAC di FERMI@Elettra - CIG N. 5260283AD8 (DO NOT OPEN - Contains participation request – Provision of two accelerating structures for the LINAC of the FERMI@Elettra project– CIG no. 5260283AD8)>>.
Applicants will be sent the documentation necessary for participating in the tender. The documentation sent will include the instructions for participation as well as confirmation of the requirements that the candidate shall meet in order to be admitted to the tender. Enclosed for reference are the Technical Specifications entitled “Technical specifications for the L00.01 and L00.02 accelerating structures” FESD no. 084- rev. 4 of 04.07.2013 and the Time Schedule, both of which are subject to modifications at the time when they will be sent to candidates during the tender process
The supply contract will be awarded in accordance with article 83 of Legislative Decree no. 163/2006, as amended, according to the most economically advantageous offer, based on the following evaluation criteria: price, reduction in delivery times and the technical value of the draft project conforming to the requirements of the aforementioned Technical Specifications.
Michele Svandrlik is in charge of this procedure, in accordance with article 10, paragraph 9 of Legislative Decree 163/06, as amended.
For any technical information please send a fax on +39 040/9380906 for the attention of Claudio Serpico.
For any administrative information please send a fax on +39 040/9380906 for the attention of Daniela Maggi.
Elettra - Sincrotrone Trieste S.C.p.A. reserves the right to discontinue the procedure or not to award the tender without being required to grant any right or monetary fee to candidates for participating in this procedure.
Form: Request to participate in the tender and enclosed self-declarations
Tender documents:
Att. 1 Technical Specifications
Att. 2 Time schedule
Chief Executive Officer
Alfonso Franciosi
Last Updated on Friday, 26 July 2013 12:12