4th Joint AIC-SILS Conference

4th Join AIC-SIL


4th Joint AIC-SILS Conference Abstract Submission in Now Open!

Please, visit the Conference website through this link: https://eventi.mlib.ic.cnr.it/e/AIC-SILS2022 

and find out more info about the location, the scientific program, the plenary and keynote speakers, the abstracts submission guidelines and Grants.

Consult the Session topics of the Conference and contribute to the success of the Conference by submitting your Abstract for Oral, Flash-talk and E-poster
presentations before 6th of June 2022.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 24th of June 2022.

Should you have any inquiries about the Abstract submission process through the Indico platform, you can contact via E-mail 

Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 08:39