Training Workshop on Synchrotron Technologies and Techniques and their Applications


Trieste, Italy 25-29 July 2022

This event is part of the Partnership Agreement with Elettra in which we agree to organize together one training workshop per year with hands-on training at beamlines.

To allow people with no or limited experience in synchrotron light experiments to participate in hands-on experiments and training at different beamlines, as well as to learn how to write successful proposal applications in order to be able to secure beamtime for themselves. The training will include experimental activities at the following beamlines operating at Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste:
XRF: fluorescence.html

The audience will typically be younger scientists, preferably from developing countries or from areas with limited or no local access to synchrotrons. The participants should have a degree in natural sciences; e.g., physics, chemistry, biology, and related fields (BSc, MSc or PhD). The scientists are required to submit an abstract about their research interests and the possible experiments they would like to run in the future using the techniques that form part of this training (XRF, XAS, XRD and closely related techniques).

Partecipation and Registration:
In order to be designated by an IAEA Member State, participants are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) to their competent national authority (e.g. Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Permanent Mission to the IAEA or National Atomic Energy Authority) for onward transmission to the IAEA by 10 June 2022. Participants who are members of an organization invited to attend are requested to send the Participation Form (Form A) through their organization to the IAEA by above deadline.

The application for financial support should be made using the Grant Application Form (Form C) which has to be stamped, signed and submitted by the competent national authority to the IAEA together with the Participation Form (Form A) by 10 June 2022.

Click on the event for more info:



Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 08:44