Novel SuperConductors and Synchrotron Radiation
(ph. Roberto BarnabĂ ) |
The SCSR 2014 - "novel SuperConductors and Synchrotron Radiation: state of the art and perspectives" International Workshop, held December 10-11, 2014 during the Elettra User Meeting, was full of exciting science and with an excellent choice of topics and presenters. The aim was to bring together some of the most expert scientists in the field of superconductivity to discuss the role that synchrotron and free electron laser (FELs) sources can still play for advancing our understanding of the superconductivity mechanisms in novel and exotic materials. The workshop was attended by more than 70 participants from Canada, China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Slovenia, Switzerland, UK, and USA. The event opened with the welcome from Elettra president and chief executive officer Alfonso Franciosi. In the following sessions, the invited speakers presented the most recent achievements on cuprates, pnictides, fullerene-based molecular SCs, in the control/design of collective quantum phenomena in metal-oxide superlattices, and in theory. After almost 30 years of intensive research on high-temperature superconductors and even if the fundamental mechanisms of superconductivity are still missing, the knowledge in this field has enormously increased and several related collective and quantum phenomena have been discovered thanks also to synchrotron- and laser-based experiments. Further understanding will certainly come from new space- and time-resolved techniques and on the study of magnetic dynamics. |
A dedicated session of the workshop was the awards ceremony for the Fonda-Fasella prize. At the end of the workshop a visit to Elettra and FERMI laboratories was organized to inform the attendees about the research frontier going on at Elettra-Sincrotrone Trieste. |