Wayforlight experience brought in the ICRI 2022 side event 'Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed Research Infrastructure projects’


The European Science Foundation, the MOSBRI Project, the VITALISE Project and EuroPlanet are co-organising a side event within the framework of the ICRI 2022 Conference in Brno regarding  “Long-term sustainability of small and mid-scale distributed RI projects.

This side event aims to contribute to the ICRI 2022 priority topic “Developing an integrated RI system” by addressing small- and mid-scale distributed Research Infrastructures and networked facilities that contribute significantly to the overall RI landscape and offer services to the academic and industrial research communities.

More than 100 RI projects in all fields of science have been or are currently funded by the European Commission INFRAIA scheme, either as “starting” or “advanced” communities. The aim of this side event is to showcase different avenues for addressing the sustainability of these RI projects and their services. In addition, more mature and consolidated RIs will be invited to exchange experiences in a co-creation session in a mutual learning process. The outcomes of this event will support and guide Research Infrastructure projects from various fields when exploring potential sustainability alternatives.

The event will take place on Wednesday, 19 October 2022 from 9:00-12:00am in a hybrid form, with in-person attendance capacity and unlimited online participation spots.

More info: https://www.icri2022.cz/event/long-term-sustainability-of-small-and-mid-scale-distributed-ri-projects
Last Updated on Wednesday, 19 June 2024 08:26