XXVII Elettra Users' Meeting: CONGA - Challenges and Opportunities of New Generation Accelerator-based sources: DLSR
(ph. Massimo Goina) |
CONGA - Challenges and Opportunities for New Generation Accelerators-based sources: DLSRTrieste, 9-10 December, 2019 Advances in accelerator technology with the introduction of multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattices are leading to the design and implementation of next generation diffraction-limited synchrotron radiation (DLSR) sources with significantly increased brightness and coherent fraction of the emitted X-rays.The CONGA Workshop, which was part of the XXVII Elettra Users' Meeting, aimed at bringing together scientists and engineers to debate key development issues and challenges to be met. Four main topics have addressed: round beams options, optics and photon transport, increased use of coherence-hungry methods and options for time-resolved measurements. Experts in these fields presented recent achievements and prospects of the new technologies and attempted to gauge the actual benefits that could be reasonably expected. |
Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 December 2019 16:21