New Milestone for Elettra 2.0: Completion of the RadioFrequency Amplifier Renewal

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A new chapter of excellence unfolds for Elettra 2.0 with the conclusion of the "Solid State at Elettra" project. This significant achievement was made possible through the dedicated efforts of the RadioFrequency team, led by Cristina Pasotti, Head of RF team, and composed of Alessandro Cuttin, RF engineer, Luca Bortolossi and Mauro Rinaldi, RF technicians and Andrea Pozzer, operator.
RadioFrequency systems play a pivotal role in the operation of the storage ring by restoring the energy lost by the electron beam after the emission of synchrotron light.
The transition from klystron technology to state-of-the-art solid-state technology represents a significant step forward, offering crucial advantages. Foremost among these is the enhancement of beam quality, thanks to increased power capabilities and superior technical features of the new amplifiers. Elettra users are already experiencing the benefits of this evolution. Furthermore, the design approach focused on robustness and redundancy ensures greater reliability and reduced downtime in case of failures. To date, we have successfully surpassed 14000 hours of operation.
This significant achievement was not without its challenges. The project officially started in 2019, with its initial phase managed during the challenging period of the COVID-19 pandemic. In the subsequent phase, the RF team gradually replaced the existing amplifiers with the new ones, always ensuring the functionality of all four facilities at the start of each new run.
The completion of the installation of the new amplifiers, ahead of the "dark time" anticipated for 2025, marks a significant step in Elettra's mission to enable high-level scientific research.
Last Updated on Friday, 27 October 2023 15:14