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Giovanni Sostero Award 2018

The International Workshop on X-ray Optics and Metrology (IWXM)recently held in Taiwan, saw an important event for Elettra and its community: the award ceremony for the third “Giovanni Sostero Award” for Metrology.

This year, the award – bestowed upon a distinguished X-ray Metrology personality – went to Dr. Shinan Qian of the Brookhaven National Laboratory. Dr. Qian was a collaborator and close friend of Giovanni Sostero (they are shown together in picture no. 3 of the slide).

The commemorative plaque was delivered to Dr. Shinan Qian – who could not attend the workshop – at his study in Brookhaven.

Giovanni Sostero, who passed away in late 2012, was in charge of the soft x-ray metrology laboratory at Elettra and was an expert amateur astronomer known to the scientific community the world over. Further information on Giovanni Sostero:


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Last Updated on Tuesday, 17 July 2018 17:16