Hercules school back in presence at Elettra

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The European school “HERCULES: neutrons and synchrotron radiation for science” – founded in 1991 – is dedicated to young students who wish to use the synchrotron radiation in fields such as physics, chemistry and biology. After two years of COVID-19 restrictions the Hercules 2023 school has been organized again in presence at Elettra from March 20 to 24.

The main objective of the school is to train a generation of young researchers capable of exploiting the exceptional experimental research potentials of advanced light sources - synchrotrons and FELs - with a hands-on experience. One of HERCULES’s key features is in fact the weekly visits spend at different European centers, including Elettra, that in the years has stably contributed to the organization of this event.


Despite the prolonged shut-down due to the energy crisis, we decided however to support HERCULES school offering to the students a complete experience on site also with practicals, which have been carried out by the Elettra and FERMI laboratories operational with bench-top sources. In some cases the students experience was focused on the proper sample preparation, a key aspect on the realization of a successful experiment.
In this edition, seven Elettra beamlines (ALOISA, NANOSPECTROSCOPY, NANOESCA, DXRL , SISSI, XPRESS, IUVS), three laboratories (Nanoinnovation lab, structural Biology lab, TOMOLAB) and 2 other laboratories of FERMI (Terafermi and T-ReX) were involved in the hands-on sessions.
Moreover, one of the experiences offered in each edition of Hercules@Elettra and that somehow represents the fingerprint is the one-to-one meeting. In fact, it is important to give the students the opportunity to talk to researchers in dedicated meetings, during which they can discuss, exchange ideas and develop ideas for their own future experiments and research projects. These meetings receive every year much appreciation from the students, giving the organizers great satisfaction and motivating them to press onward in this direction.
Last Updated on Saturday, 01 April 2023 08:23