NETLINCS NEw Trends in LInear and Non-linear spectroscopic Chirality Studies part of the XXIX Users' Meeting
The NETLINCS (New Trends in Linear and Non-linear Spectroscopic Chirality Studies) workshop, organised as part of the XXIX Users Meeting of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and held at the Adriatico Guesthouse - ICTP in Trieste, Italy, ended on 4 December.
The event brought together 101 researchers from 20 countries, including Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Iran, Spain and Switzerland to discuss the latest advances in the study of molecular chirality, a fundamental property with profound implications in biology, chemistry and materials science. Four thematic sessions and a poster session addressed methodological and technical advances aimed at enhancing the ability to distinguish and analyse enantiomers, i.e. non-overlapping chiral molecules. The main topics were X-ray circular dichroism (CD) and helical dichroism (HD) techniques from the infrared to the X-ray range, that allow an increased sensitivity and selectivity of spectroscopic analyses. Much room was dedicated to non-linear spectroscopies, already established in the optical domain (infrared, visible, ultraviolet) and now extended to extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-rays, where chiral selectivity can be combined with elemental selectivity. |
NETLINCS, organised in collaboration with COST Action CA22148 - NEXT, explored the applications of linear and non-linear techniques to gaseous, liquid and solid molecular systems, with the aim of integrating these methods into free-electron lasers (XFEL), synchrotrons and laboratory-based HHG sources. The workshop highlighted the central role of Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste in promoting advanced research on molecular chirality, contributing to the advancement of science through state-of-the-art technologies and multidisciplinary approaches. |
Last Updated on Wednesday, 18 December 2024 16:12