Results of research on linear atomic carbon wires conducted on IUVS included among Nature Communications' Highlights

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Linear atomic carbon wires are one-dimensional carbon-based systems that, thanks to their special thermal, optical, electronic and mechanical properties, are considered extremely interesting for their possible applications in various fields.
Today, research conducted as part of the European project     EspLORE, coordinated by Prof. Carlo S. Casari of the Dipartimento di Energia of the Politecnico di Milano, and carried out using the instrumentation available at the IUVS beamline at Elettra, has made it possible both to study the response of carbon chains to a particular light excitation in the ultraviolet spectrum, a type of light that these materials absorb very receptively, and to experimentally verify one of the fundamental theories of resonant Raman spectroscopy. The results were published in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Communications and the article was also included among Nature's highlights as one of the '50 best articles published recently in the area of inorganic chemistry-physics.

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The study is the result of the collaboration between the research team of the EspLORE project led by Prof. Casari, and Professors Chiara Castiglioni and Matteo M. S. Tommasini of the FunMat Lab (Dipartimento di Chimica, Materiali e Ingegneria Chimica “Giulio Natta” del Politecnico di Milano) and part of the research staff of the IUVS beamline at the Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste research centre.
The success of this experiment is due to the unique characteristics of the UV Raman Resonant spectroscopy instrumentation installed on the IUVS beamline, which are very difficult to achieve with conventional light sources: "The added value of the experiment conducted on IUVS is that the resonant Raman spectra of the carbon chains were measured exactly at the energy of their electronic transitions, thanks to the unique possibility offered by synchrotron radiation to vary the excitation energy by as little as 1 nm," says Barbara Rossi of the IUVS experimental station and who co-author of the paper.
In addition to obtaining information on the fundamental properties of carbon atomic wires as a basis for future implementations in various fields of application, the experiment conducted at Elettra also allowed, thanks to the analytical model developed by the Politecnico researchers, an elegant and stringent verification of one of the fundamental theories of resonant Raman spectroscopy, here applied for the first time to transitions involving multiple vibrational quanta.

Original Article: “Electron-phonon coupling and vibrational properties of size-selected linear carbon chains by resonance Raman scattering”
Nature Communication 13, Article number 5052 (2022) 
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Last Updated on Monday, 28 November 2022 14:06