Studio 'Above and Below' artist residency by Area at Elettra

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On Thursday 7 December, Elettra opened the doors of its laboratories to the artist duo Daria Jelonek and Perry-James Sugden, founders of the art and technology studio Above and Below.
The studio is the winner of the sixth challenge of 'S+T+ARTS in the City', a competition initiated thanks to the collaboration of Area Science Park and MEET Digital Culture Center in Milan. The challenge addressed to artists from all over the world aims to explore and transition towards environmental sustainability and digitisation that our planet is facing.
The winning project, entitled 'Regenerative Symphony', aims to merge the themes of sustainability, material science and life, finding in the power of artificial intelligence the vehicle for its artistic expression.
The visit to Elettra took place at the culmination of a period in which the two artists were guests of Area, the co-host institution of the artistic residency. During the meeting, our researchers dialogued with the artists in order to inspire them by telling them about the research carried out at Elettra on the themes of the work.
The studio will now have 9 months to realise their artwork, which will be exhibited at Sonar in Barcelona and at Ars Electronica in Linz.

Last Updated on Wednesday, 13 December 2023 09:46