LEDS2023: advancements from photo-injectors for coherent light sources

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LEDS2023, Longitudinal Electron beam Dynamics for coherent light Sources, was held in Frascati near Rome, October 3-5, 2023 hosted by ENEA.

There were 41 registered participants representing over 16 institutes, the workshop - in presence only - was organized by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and ENEA, and financed by Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste and LEAPS. It included 6 sessions with talks and round tables.
The workshop aimed at collecting the most recent advancements in the controlled generation of high brightness electron beams from photo-injectors for coherent light sources. These included in particular seeded X-ray free-electron lasers and multi-THz superradiant sources. The workshop moved from lessons learned during the CompactLight design study. Theoretical, numerical and experimental studies were presented and reviewed during round tables. Open routes of research in the manipulation of modulated electron beams were also investigated. Future experiments, supported by specific technological developments, and their comparison with accurate massive simulations, were proposed in the framework of the LEAPS initiative. A round table for the definition of a LEAPS project proposal open to all participants closed the workshop.

Last Updated on Tuesday, 28 May 2024 12:13